Tuesday, 5 August 2014

So Long Lima!

Monday was the beginning of a brand new adventure. After finishing our work at Santa Rosa we prepared to leave Lima for good (or at least until our flight leaves to Toronto). Well, we were all ready to go fairly early in the morning, but the vans that we were going to drive to Cuzco sure weren't! We had to wait 6 hours to get the vans released to us, so we had a lot of time to kill. We cleaned out the villa a whole bunch of times to make sure everything was tidy and good enough for the university. We passed the time by watching tv shows we had downloaded earlier and playing games on Eric's laptop. When the vans finally arrived at 3:00ish we hurriedly gathered our gear and prepared to leave, but again we had to keep waiting while Brandon figured out some final details with where we would be staying that night and for the other van to arrive. They both finally showed up and we got our stuff packed up and left within the hour. Three hours later after a couple short adventures we made it to our hostel, showered and slept in actual beds for the first time in weeks satisfied that we had finally seen the sun for the first time since Canada.
Written by Ben 

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